Adapted Budgeting 101
Brain Injury Waiver Provider Resource Page
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Pre Test
Post Test
1. What is the first step to take to make a budget?
Writing down a list of all of your expenses
Identify your monthly income
Write down the cost of fixed expenses
Estimate your variable expenses
2. Fixed expenses are:
Expenses that will be the same amount every month
Expenses that will vary from month to month
Expenses that are used to fix items around the home
Expenses that are tied to maintaining your health
3. Which is NOT an example of variable expenses:
Eating out
4. The following are strategies to help follow your budget, except:
Write and track all your expenses weekly
Pay all of your bills at the beginning of the month, even though it may not be due
Apply for a credit card
Setting a weekly amount of money you can spend every week
5. The following are consequences of overspending, except:
Paying for over drafting account fees
Saving the money you need for a vacation
Starting the next month in the negative or owning money
Not having money for things you want
Brain Injury 101 Post Test
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