First Aid
All companies are responsible for ensuring that adequate first aid provision is made for staff during the Build and Pack Down. Any additional provision which may be required due to higher risk activities e.g. work at heights, should be agreed before arrival on site.
All organisation’s must comply with Southern Field Days Health & Safety Requirements and record and report any incidents in accordance with the regulations. All incidents / accidents or near misses that occur on site must be reported to the Safety Officer through the Site Office.
Manual and Motorised Lifting
We make it a condition of any contract between us that people employed in manual work involving lifting of heavy boxes or other equipment shall be of a competent level of training in the method of lifting. They must also wear suitable footwear to protect them from dropped items.
Working at Heights
We make it a condition of any contract between us that where you have employees working at heights you must ensure that they have the necessary training and equipment to carry out their job safely. In areas in which ‘fall arrest’ systems are needed you must supply your employees with, and ensure that they use, suitable equipment (such as harnesses) and that wherever possible they ‘clip on’.
If you use sub-contractors (including self-employed persons) you will need to ensure that they have demonstrated their Health & Safety competence to you. Any person not considered competent by Southern Field Days Committee to carry out the work as specified will be stopped from working. Sub Contractors must supply their own health and safety policy.
Alcohol & Drugs
We will make it a condition of any contract between us that persons in your employment are not under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances or perscribed drugs which may affect their performsnace whilst working at the Southern Field Days Event including setup and pack down days.
If you are building structures on our event site you must complete the Temorary Structures form on the Site Contract.