Karate Party Feedback & Referral Form
Please fill out the feedback form and referral form. (Conditions apply - must not be a current member)
Full Name of Child
Date of Party Booking
Parents Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Email Address
Instructor Name(s)
How would you rate your overall experience at the party on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the worst and 5 being the best?
5 = Excellent
4 = Very Good
3 = Good
2 = Fair
1 = Poor
Program Content
Quality of the instructor
Balance between theory/discussion and activities
Approachability of the instructor
Overall program value to the children and parents
What aspects of the party did you enjoy the most?
Were there any areas where you think we could have improved or done differently to make the party better?
Did the party meet your expectations? If not, what would you have liked to see differently?
Referral Details
Would you recommend our services to others for their events? If yes, please provide us with the contact information of one person that might be interested.
Refer a Friend
Name of Referral
First Name
Last Name
Email of Referral
Phone Number of Referral
Please enter a valid phone number.
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