hvoss membership application form
Membership of hvoss is open to any individual, community group or organisation who shares our values and is keen to work together and promote the value of the community and voluntary sector in our county. Membership of hvoss is free. Please visit hvoss.org.uk to read more about the benefits of becoming an hvoss member or contact us at info@hvoss.org.uk
I am a ...
New applicant
Existing member
Not sure
Organisation name
Lead contact name
Individual Email
Organisation Email
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Please confirm you are eligible for membership by ticking the boxes below and agreeing to the statements.
We are a community group, voluntary organisation or other not-for-profit organisation which pursues general charitable and/or social objectives
We are active in and/or operate to benefit communities in Herefordshire
Our organisation has a constitution or other accepted rules of working and our aims, objectives and working methods are written down in a publicly available document
I am applying as an individual
I/We have a commitment to equal opportunities
About your Organisation/Yourself
Please tick all the apply. We are a ...
Registered Charity
Registered Company
Village Hall
Community Group
Please describe your area of activity or interest
Children & Young People
Older People
Health and Social Care
Community Buildings
Arts and Culture
Leisure and Sport
Museums and Heritage
Education and Training
Emergency Response (eg. Covid, flooding)
Equality and Diversity
Please tell us the approximate annual income of your group or organisation
Under £5,000
£5,001 - £20,000
£20,001 - £50,000
£50,001 - £100,000
£100,001 - £500,000
Over £500,001
N/A I am an individual
Number of volunteers
0-5 volunteers
6-20 volunteers
Over 20 volunteers
Number of paid staff
0–5 paid staff
6–20 paid staff
Over 20 paid staff
Please tell us a little about you, your group, organisation or charity, the purpose of the group and who and how it benefits. If you are an individual, indicate how you would like to be involved.
I declare that the information on this form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.
I confirm support for the objects of hvoss which are to -
Promote any charitable purposes for the benefit of the public, principally but not exclusively in the local government area of Herefordshire and elsewhere (hereinafter called the “area of benefit”) and, in particular, build the capacity of the community sector organisations and provide them with the necessary support, information and services to enable them to pursue or contribute to any charitable purpose
Promote, organise and facilitate co-operation and partnership working between community sector, statutory and other relevant bodies in the achievement of the above purposes within the area of benefit
Advance the education of those involved with the voluntary sector in the field of community health and social care
Promote any charitable objects and purposes for the benefit of young people aged 8 to 25 resident or born in the area of benefit including but not exclusively the advancement of education and the relief of poverty
First Name
Last Name
General Data Protection Regulation
Please tick the following boxes as appropriate to consent to hvoss holding and using your contact information
I consent to receiving electronic communication from hvoss such as hvoice ebulletin, about events and training, as well as relevant news of interest including potential funding opportunities
I consent for my organisation or group to be mentioned by hvoss on social media
I consent to my organisation or group's main contact details, location and area of interest being listed on the secure area on the hvoss website to facilitate contact and co-operation between hvoss members
Thank you for your interest in hvoss membership
Applications will be reviewed and you will receive a response within 10 working days. Please email Will at will.lindesay@hvoss.org.uk or Karen at karen.hall@hvoss.org.uk if you have any queries or would like any further information.
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