Bio-humanism: a possible future for humanism?
with Dr. Mark Reimers
3 part series - $75 total
Thursday Evenings - February 13, 20, & 27, 2025
7:00 - 8:30 pm ET / 4:00 - 5:30 pm

Humanists have looked to the best knowledge available in their time to try to understand their world and to imagine and work toward a better one. For the past two generations, the greatest scientific advances have been in biology and in the latest generation, neurobiology has begun to shed light on human experience and the human condition. However, modern humanism has not integrated these sciences.
In the first class we will discuss how Humanist principles naturally integrate with ecology. We will explore what humanism might say about conflicts between the needs of wildlife and the demands of an expanding human population with higher expectations.
In the second class we will discuss how the unusual ecological niche of humans over the last three million years selected for an unusual capacity for social cooperation and happiness. We will discuss how what modern brain science shows about the diversity of human thought patterns and about the importance of early childhood development and education.
In the final class we will talk about how integrating these biological insights can guide us in practical matters of social organization and change and growing toward a just society.