1. I have:
a) honestly and accurately provided information and evidence for the purposes of enrolment and eligibility;
b) consented to the collection, use and storage of personal information by the Recipient;
c) been informed by the Recipient that the enrolment may impact their future entitlement to government subsidised Training; and
d) agrees to the conditions of access determined through the Upfront Assessment of Need.
2. I wish to participate in an activity funded by Department for Innovation and Skills;
3. I accept that the Minister for Innovation and Skills (Minister) will allocate to me a Participant Number, to be used to record my participation in, and the results of, activities funded by the Department for Innovation and Skills;
4. I accept that the assessment as to whether I am eligible to enrol in any specific activity funded by the Department for Innovation and Skills will be undertaken by a training provider who has a Contract with the Minister;
5. I consent to the Minister, its employees, agents and contractors collecting from the training provider my results in all courses which I have been enrolled and using this information for the purpose of determining whether I am eligible to enrol in an activity funded by the Department for Innovation and Skills. I consent to the Minister, its employees, agents and contractors using this information for the performance measurement and reporting activities;
6. I consent to the Minister, its employees, agents and contractors collecting and using any student identifier (as that term is defined in the Student Identifiers Act 2014) assigned to or relating to me and using that student identifier to obtain transcripts and other information relating to me and using this information to determine my eligibility for an activity funded by the Department for Innovation and Skills and to record and track my progress through the activities funded.
7. I accept and agree that the Minister, its employees, agents and contractors will be in receipt of my Personal Information and that they may be required to share my personal information with:
· registered training organisations who have a current Contract with the Minister;
· other South Australian government agencies (including regulators) responsible and / or involved in training and education (whether accredited or not), including but not limited to funding, monitoring training and / or compliance;
· Commonwealth government agencies (including regulators) responsible and / or involved in training and education (whether accredited or not), including but not limited to policy, development, funding, monitoring and / or compliance; and
· government agencies (including regulators) in other Australian states and territories responsible and / or involved in the training and education (whether accredited or not), including but not limited to policy, development, funding, monitoring and / or compliance.
8. By providing my Personal Information as outlined above, I am consenting to the Minister, its employees, agents and contractors contacting me during or after I have ceased my training or education for the purposes of:
· statistical reporting and analysis in respect to training outcomes and the program;
· undertaking an evaluation of the training;
· promoting the training (or any other program run by the Minister which relates to training);
· assessing quality of training;
· recording the information about my training;
9. I agree to notify the Minister if the Personal Information outlined above changes;
10. Where required by the Minister, I agree to access my student profile maintained by the Minister and its employees, agents and contractors and advise if any of the Personal Information contained in my student profile is incorrect.