Company Tenant Application Form
Your company must be LIMITED to be able to hold a tenancy in the company name. For any companies trading less than 3years we will require a Director to be a personal guarantor to the tenancy and will need to complete a standard tenant application form along with this one for the company.
Property Applied For;
Street Address
I understand the monthly rent to be:
Please ensure you are confident you can afford the property before proceeding with this application
About the Company
Name of company
As it appears with Companies House
Registered Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Company Registration No.
Date trading commenced
Please note if less than 3yrs a Director will need to stand as Guarantor - please also complete a Tenant Application Form
In which industry does the company operate?
Name of the Director responsible for this property rental
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Who will be living in the property?
Give details of all adults & children who will occupy the property
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
List any more occupier with date of birth
Phone Number for the ‘lead’ occupier
Area Code
Phone Number
E-mail for the ‘lead’ occupier
Are all people occupying the property related to or in a relationship with all other people who will occupy the property
NO they are friends/co-workers
Will any pets be residing in the property?
Yes (give details below)
Details of pet(s)/breed/age
Do the occupiers smoke?
If Yes, tick here to confirm you understand there must be NO smoking inside the property or on balconies/out of windows
Do your occupiers have any disabilities that you wish to share with us that may need consideration for their safe occupation of the property?
i.e: Wheelchair user, Hearing impaired, Vision impaired, other
How many vehicles will the household have?
Insert Make/Model and Registration Plates (enter N/A if you do not have any vehicles)
Please include vehicles of everyone who will be living at the property
Company Property Rental History
If the company has never rented a property before please move to the next section
Has the company rented a property before? If so provide address;
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Length of tenancy
Reason for leaving the accommodation
Please provide the name and contact details of your previous landlord/agent:
Name of Accountant
Address and contact details of accountant
Enter N/A if you are not currently employed
Last years profit figure?
Enter N/A if you are not currently employed
Upload last 3 years accounts:
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Who does the company bank with?
Enter the name of you bank
Enter the company bank account no & sort code
This is for referencing only we will not be debiting any money from your account
Please upload 3 months bank statements
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This information will not be shared outside of your landlord and Affinity - see our website or link below for our data protection policy
The deposit will be paid by:
Please Select
Me the tenant
The local authority deposit scheme
A family/friend - please advise Affinity of their name below
Your deposit will not be registered in a protection scheme, it will be held in a designated Affinity Client Account with Client Money Protection in place.
We try to best match applicants with a property that is most likely to suit them. In the cases of room rentals in shared accommodation we take into account those who would be living around them.
Name of one of the companies suppliers and upstanding citizen who is able to provide a Trade Reference for the company?
First Name
Last Name
Email address of nominated supplier:
Has anyone who will be occupying the property ever been arrested, served a custodial sentence or in trouble with the police? (If yes, give details)
Please answer to the best of your knowledge. If yes, this does not mean you will be refused a property but helps us to best match you to a home.
Has the company ever been evicted from a property? Please tick all that apply
Yes for rent arrears
Yes for anti-social behaviour
Yes because the landlord wanted the property back and I had nowhere else to go (No arrears)
Right to Rent
Please see the FAQ page of our website for help on this question if you are unable to provide the requested information
All company nominated occupiers have the Right to Rent in the UK and I attach their passport
They do NOT have the Right to Rent in the UK (I’m sorry we are unable to take your application further)
I have the Right to Rent in the UK but do not have a passport - I will look at the further information on your website and provide you with alternative evidence to pass this check in the next 48hrs. I understand my application will be cancelled if I do not do this and will lose my holding fee
File Upload
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Upload a clear image of the photo page of each occupiers passport plus the passport of the company director
I confirm that all information I have provided is true and correct. I understand Affinity will now carry out all relevant referencing checks. I authorise all third parties as listed in this application to disclose such information as required to fulfil this referencing process.
Ensure you have completed all items before submitting your form.
Signature (to be signed by the Director noted on this application)
Submit Form
Should be Empty: