I understand that acceptance of my application for employment does not commit Canton Chair Rental (“The Company”) in any way to hire me; and that nothing in my application, or in any other communication or document, creates or implies a contract or promise of employment requiring that I be hired or retained by the Company in any position for any period of time.
I authorize the Company to investigate all written or oral statements by me and to obtain such information and reports as reasonably shall be required by the Company concerning me. Furthermore, I release all such parties from any claim, damage, or liability resulting from their furnishing such information to the Company.
I understand that, if employed, I will be required to abide by all rules and regulations of the Company.
I understand that, if I am hired, my employment with the Company will be at will and for no definite period; and that such employment may be terminated at any time, by me or by the Company for any reason not specifically prohibited by law, regardless of the date of payment of my wages or salary. I further understand and agree that no representative of the Company has the authority to enter into any agreement for employment contrary to the foregoing, unless such action is taken in writing by the President (or the Vice President
I certify that the information given by me on this application is true and complete (as is the information which I have provided to the Company in any document or interview); and that I have not withheld any fact which, if disclosed, would unfavorably effect my qualifications for employment. I agree that any false or substantially misleading information furnished by me on or in connection with this application, or in any related interview or document, shall be sufficient reason for rejection of my application, or termination of my employment, as appropriate.