If you would like to pay your membership dues then please fill out the bottom part of this paper. If you become a paid member you will be getting $5.00 dollars off of every ride that our club has throughout the year!
The information that is being requested in this form, must accompany your payment.
Once you complete this your membership will be completed for the year!
Alamo Kountry Kickers Membership Dues
Membership dues are due by Jan 1st of each year.
-- Dues are $20.00 per year for a single membership.
-- Dues for family plan members are $30.00
Dues may be paid:
-- In person at a ride
-- By check Make Payable to Alamo Kountry Kickers and send to
P.O. Box 1073
Seguin, Texas, 78156
-- or by Venmo to akkriders, phone number 309-337-7564
You must select how you are going to pay and we must receive payment before your membership will be voted on and accepted.
A family membership is entitled to two votes on all club business and election of officers. Memberships must be paid up to date before the March Election Meeting each year to have a vote!