Here are some important things you need to do to complete this form:
1) You will need to write a brief essay including and addressing the following topics:
Why you are a good candidate for the scholarship/how the scholarship would benefit your success what your current art form is how you plan to pursue yout passion for that art form
how your craft impacts your life and the community an explanation of the art form you plan to showcase evidence of at least ten hours of engagement with their specified art form outside of a traditional classroom structure.
2) Take a portrait picture of yourself and have it on hand in JPEG format for this form.
3) Evidence of financial need in the required essay
4) Be a registered student in Waterbury Public Schools
5) The emails of the people you are asking for letters of reccomendation. (Ecclesiastical Leader, Friend or Sibbling, and a Teacher or Mentor.)
5) Showcase chosen art form via photos or video
**IMPORTANT: This form is estimated to take atleast one hour. In order to complete the form as quickly as possible, you WILL need ALL of the above items.**
If all that is ready, then why don't we begin?
Click "Next" below.