Student Leadership Team Reference Form
Choose two non-relatives over the age of 18 to complete this form, as well as your small group leader.
Your Name:
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Students First & Last Name
Relationship to Student:
How long have you known him/her?
Please check off the best answer:
Strongly Agree
Agree with reservations
Strongly Disagree
This student has a personal, growing relationship with Jesus
This student looks for opportunities to serve
This student is teachable
Humility is a characteristic of this students’ life
This student is a leader
This student is warm and welcoming to those he/she does not know
I whole-heartedly recommend this student to serve in a place of leadership
This student is unafraid to take a stand or share their faith
If you circled “Agree with reservations,” “Disagree,” or “Strongly Disagree” on any of the questions, please explain. Also, please feel free to add any other insights that you feel would be beneficial.
By signing you declare that all information you have given here is truthful and accurate.
Submit Reference
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