Edit My 10KCARD
Add, change, and/or remove any information you would like to see on your digital card(s)
Name on Digital Card
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Phone Number
Digital Card Link
What changes would you like to make?
Select as much as you need
Name on my card
Edit name on my card (optional)
Title on my card (2nd line)
Edit title on my card (optional)
Subtitle on my card (3rd line)
Edit subtitle on my card (optional)
Update My Profile Picture
Update Profile Picture Image (optional)
Update Additional Images and/or files (optional)
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
REMOVE an existing button
REMOVE these existing buttons on my card (optional)
CHANGE an existing button
CHANGE these existing buttons on my card (optional)
ADD a new button
ADD new buttons to my card (optional)
Re-Arrange the buttons on your card
Re-arrange your card (optional)
Notes for additional changes (optional)
Would you like to keep the same URL link?
Not sure what that is
What new link would you like?
Should be Empty: