Confidentiality Agreement
All learners who attend the course of [Life Magnetic Field] are required to sign this agreement. [Agreement Created and Owned by PIXIU BERHAD Reg No:201901012345(1321673-A), To be reminded, this digital agreement has Legal Validity.]
Full Name (As per IC) 全姓名(身份证英文名)
Surname 姓氏
Last Name 名称
NRIC No. 身份证号码
ex: 912345678901
(R1) I voluntarily sign up for the course of [Life Magnetic Field], and I am very clear that I have the obligation or responsibility to keep the contents of the course strictly confidential. Any teaching content related to [Life Magnetic Field], including exercises, multimedia, music, video, text, etc., shall not be divulged. 本人自愿报名【人生磁场学】课程,非常清楚自己有义务或责任对课程的内容进行严格的保密。任何有关【人生磁场学】的教学内容;这当中包括习题、多媒体、音乐、视频、文字等, 一概不得泄漏。
Please check here to confirm that you fully understand this regulation. 请在此打勾确认已完全明白此条例
(R2) I am very clear that in the course of [Life Magnetic Field] will or may involve other students' personal privacy, personal data and all information related to them. All this information and content shall not be divulged. 本人非常清楚【人生磁场学】课程里将会或有可能涉及到其他学员的个人隐私、个人资料以及一切与学员他们本人相关的信息。这些信息与内容一概不得泄漏。
Please check here to confirm that you fully understand this regulation. 请在此打勾确认已完全明白此条例
I am fully clear and understood of all the above regulations. I hereby ensure that I will not divulged any information and contents mentioned in regulation (R1) and regulation (R2), and will not disclosed to public or use for commercial purposes. 所有以上的条例本人非常清楚和了解,在此本人确保绝不会泄漏任何有关条例(R1)和条例(R2)提及的任何信息与内容,不会随意公开或作为商业用途。
Please check here to confirm that you fully understand this regulation. 请在此打勾确认已完全明白此条例
I fully understand that once any information and content mentioned in regulation (R1) and regulation (R2) are divulged, I will bear all the losses that the PIXIU BERHAD will suffer, and compensate all the losses that the PIXIU BERHAD may confront. 本人非常明白一旦泄漏任何有关条例(R1)和条例(R2)所提及的任何信息与内容后,所有导致貔貅集团蒙受的损失,本人愿一力承担,赔偿貔貅集团所有将可能面对的一切损失。
Please check here to confirm that you fully understand this regulation. 请在此打勾确认已完全明白此条例
I hereby sign to confirm that I abide by the confidentiality agreement, and ensure that all course contents and students' privacy information will be absolutely confidential and protected. I also understand that once signed, this confidentiality agreement has legal effect and is bound by law. 本人在此签名确认遵守保密协议,并确保所有的课程内容和学员的隐私资料会获得绝对的保密与保障。本人也明白一旦签名后此保密协议书具备法律效力,受到法律的约束。
I complete the form and sign on 本人完成表格填写和签名于
Date 日期
Time 时间 Minutes
AM/PM Option
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