This contract is between First Name Last Name (parent/guardian name) and Temecula International Academy for the 2023-2024 school year:
Initial* 1. Temecula International Academy Child Care (TIACC) will be open to provide quality after school care for children attending Temecula International Academy (TIA) during the hours of: Monday - Thursday 7:00am - 7:40am; 2:30pm - 6:00pm and Friday 7:00am - 7:40am; 12:30pm - 6:00pm
Initial* 2. TIACC will only be operating under one location at the 39600 N. General Kearny site on days that Temecula International Academy is open and school is in session.
Initial* 3. TIACC fees are as follows: $8.00 per hour or fraction thereof hourly rate.
Initial* 4. Parents/guardians will be required to enter the school when picking up their child. For your child's protection, the "Sign Out" sheet must be signed by the person picking up your child each afternoon. Only authorized adults will be allowed to pick up your child. All authorized adults will need to provide a valid ID.
Initial* 5. While every attempt will be made to protect your child's personal property, TIACC will not be responsible for any articles brought to the program.
Initial* 6. The parent/guardian agrees to pay the monthly tuition fee as set above by TIACC. All tuition fees are due on the tenth (10) of the month starting September 10th thru July 10th. A late fee of $10.00 will be assessed if the account has not been paid in full by the 20th of each month. If the student's account is more than 30 days past due the student(s) will not be permitted to return to TIACC until the past due account is brought current. The parent/guardian agrees to pay a $25.00 charge for any transaction returned by online payment.
Initial* 7. The parent/guardian agrees to pay a $1 per minute, per child, late pickup fee starting at 6:01 pm. The time is determined by the clock at the TIACC location. If there are more than three (3) late pick up evenings in a calendar month, TIACC reserves the right to suspend child care privileges and current account balance will be due immediately.
Initial* 8. The parent/guardian agrees to notify the TIA office one week in advance of dis-enrollment of their child from the program. Parents/guardians will be responsible for the week's tuition if advanced notification is not given.