Pediatric Bedwetting/Enuresis
{firstName} based on your answers, your child may be experiencing symptoms of Bedwetting (enuresis.)
Bedwetting is characterized by nighttime urinary incontinence in children older than 5 years that occurs at least twice per week.
Your child’s bedwetting can lead to psychological distress, particularly in social situations.
Before a diagnosis of Bedwetting can be made, your child’s doctor must rule out other causes of sleeplessness, like other sleep disorders, physical and psychological disorders, poor sleep hygiene, and sleep-disrupting medications.
This information is for educational purposes only and doesn’t replace the assessment of a sleep medicine professional. We strongly suggest that you seek the advice of a sleep medicine doctor or professional for an accurate diagnosis of your child’s condition.
{firstName} based on your answers, we could not detect a specific sleep issue related to bedwetting (enuresis).
This information is for educational purposes only and doesn’t replace the assessment of a sleep medicine professional. We strongly suggest that you seek the advice of a sleep medicine Doctor or professional for an accurate diagnosis.