Top Tips on Litigating Cases of Parental Alienation in Family Courts
ABA Litigation Section
Family Law Litigation Committee
Friday, June 4, 2021
11:00 AM-12:30 PM PT | 12:00-1:30 PM MT |
1:00-2:30 PM CT | 2:00-3:30 PM ET
Program Description:
Parental alienation is a silent epidemic that plagues the family courts in America. There is no doubt that parental alienation exists and how it has significant short-term and long-term consequences to the children and the targeted parents. There is also no doubt that American family/matrimonial courts have acknowledged the concept, although the theory can sometimes be misused. This program will provide an overview of the concept of parental alienation and explain how to correctly handle it in court.
The program will address these critical issues in litigating parental alienation cases:
- What is Parental Alienation and how to recognize it
- Judicial perspectives
- Court interventions
- Expert testimony and presenting a case
- The role of guardian ad litem and child representative
- Misinformation about parental alienation and how to respond to it
- Domestic violence and parental alienation
- Defending against false allegations of parental alienation
- Tips and guidance for practitioners
- Ashish Joshi (Joshi Attorneys + Counselors; Ann Arbor, MI; Program Chair)
- Hon. Darlene O'Brien (Family Court Judge, Ann Arbor, MI)
- Hon. Kristina Karle (Family Court Judge, Rochester, NY)
- Shazia Sparkman (Sparkman Law Firm; Tampa, FL; Moderator)