3. Upon approval of a building permit, one copy of the permit, together with an approved set of plans and specifications shall be kept on the premises and available for inspection throughout the progress of work.
4. Work covered by the application for a Building Permit may not be started before the issuance of the permit and work may not be performed beyond the point of any required inspection until such inspection in made.
5. Arrange for a required inspection in advance. Call the Code Enforcement Officer assigned to your project at the Town Hall at (518) 537-6687 x-305.
6. No use of the building, in whole or in part, until a Certificate of Occupancy is issued.
7. Have the electrical work inspected by, and a Certificate obtained from, the Board of Fire Underwriters or other approved authority.
8. Water and sewage disposal facilities must be approved by the Columbia County Department of Health. Such approval shall precede the issuance of a Building Permit.
9. Every modular or factory manufactured home shall bear the “Insignia of Approval” issued by the New York State Fire Protection and Building Code Council.
10. Approval for the driveway location must be obtained from the Highway Department.
11. The plans for any commercial building, multi-family residence, or one and two family residence of 1500 sq.feet or more, shall bear the SEAL AND SIGNATURE of the architect or a New York State Licensed engineer.
12. Square feet space: Habitable: Non-Habitable:
13. The fee shall be in accordance with the fee schedule set forth in the Germantown Zoning Ordinance.
14. The Code Enforcement Officer when showing proper credentials and in the discharge of his duties, is hereby given permission to enter any building, structure or premises without interference and without a search warrant, during reasonable working hours.