First Nations Outreach Team
Team Standards
Spiritual and Moral Health
▪ Must be a believer, one who is expressing an active faith in God, and who is consistently becoming more like Jesus. One who has a thirst for Biblical knowledge with an acceptance of the morals, values and Christ-like character presented in the Bible. Must be a good role model in terms of their personal habits and lifestyle. Should be a person of integrity.
Love for God and Desire for Spiritual Growth
▪ One who desires to give to God all that he/she is and all that he/she has, trusting Him to use it for His glory. One with a desire to know and act on God's will for his/her life. One who is growing in relationship to the Lord by evidencing the Fruit of the Spirit. One who is teachable.
▪ Because of a growing relationship with the Lord, other relationships are strong and healthy, above reproach. Relationships do not hinder the fulfillment of responsibilities.
A Servant Leader
▪ A person with a genuine and active servant attitude toward God first and every aspect of his/her duties on the team. One who is able to work as a team player, respecting the authority of God and those God has placed in authority on the team. One who is not out for personal gratification or glory.
Love for the Indigenous Community
▪ One who is ready to pour their heart, life and time into young lives and other members of the Indigenous Community. Must have a burden and ability to share the gospel with these Community members through the witness of his/her life and words. Be willing to pray for them.
▪ One who is able to take initiative, to do what is asked, and to fulfill responsibilities with a cheerful spirit. One who is personally motivated. Must be emotionally stable.
▪ One who is willing to come alongside another and go beyond what is required to ensure that Community members and fellow team members are being encouraged and built up. One who is not bound to a "job description", but is willing to adapt.
▪ One who demonstrates consistent enthusiasm which communicates love and genuine interest. Enthusiasm also helps the shy Community members to want to join in.
Physical Health and Discipline
▪ One who is in good physical condition and has a high level of energy. Be a good example of one who is able to pace himself/herself, and practices good personal hygiene. One who teaches good manners and appropriate behaviour by example.
▪ One who comes to serve on the Team prepared in every way, knowing responsibilities and understanding the importance of personal spiritual preparation. Does not arrive with the expectation that everything will be done for him/her. Must attend the Team Orientation and join any other required training.