PIXIU BERHAD Employment Application Form
All the interested applicant are requested to fill up the below Employment Application Form and by filling their correct details. [Form Created and Owned by PIXIU BERHAD Reg No:201901012345(1321673-A), This form has Legal Validity.]
Position Applied For 您申请的职位
Expected Salary 您期望的薪水 (RM)
Personal Details 个人资料
You may provide your personal photo if you wish to. 如果您愿意,您可以附上一张个人照。
Title 称谓
Mr 先生
Mrs 女士
Ms 小姐
Name(Please write your name in full as per your IC) 个人(请根据身份证写上全名)
Surname 姓氏
Last Name 名称
NRIC 身份证号码
Date of Birth 出生日期
Age 年龄
Gender 性别
Male 男生
Female 女生
Other 其他
Correspondence Address 信件来往地址
Address 1 地址 1
Address 2 地址 2
City 城市
State 州属
Postcode 邮编
Home Address 住家地址
Same As Above 同上
Other 其他
Mobile Number 手机号码
Email Address 电邮地址
Nationality 国籍
Malaysian 马来西亚
Place of Birth 出生地点
Marital Status 婚姻状况
Single 单身
Married 已婚
Divorce 离婚
Single Parent 单亲
Others 其他
Religion 宗教信仰
Buddhism 佛教
Islam 回教
Christian 基督教
Catholic 天主教
Taoism 道教
Chinese Beliefs 中国民间信仰
Hinduism 印度教
No Religion 无宗教信仰
Others 其他
Race 种族
Chinese 华人
Malay 马来人
Indian 印度人
Others 其他
Height 身高 (CM)
Weight 体重 (KG)
Your Hobbies 您的爱好
Education Details 学历
Please provide your Secondary School details 请提供中学资料
Please provide your College details 请提供学院资料
Please provide your University details 请提供大学资料
Please indicate competency in languages [Basic 1 - 5 Fluent] 请说明您的语言能力 【基础 1 - 5 流利】
Mandarin [Speaking] 中文 【会话】
Mandarin [Writing] 中文 【书写】
Bahasa Malaysia [Speaking] 马来语【会话】
Bahasa Malaysia [Writing] 马来语【书写】
English [Speaking] 英语【会话】
English [Writing] 英语【书写】
Please indicate other skills(if any) 请注明其他技能(如有)
Employment History 工作经历
Please indicate your employment history beginning with your current/most recent employer 请说明您的工作经历,从您当前/最近的雇主开始
Please describe your current employment status 请说明您当前的就业状况
Employed 受雇
Unemployed 待业
Fresh Graduated 刚刚毕业
Adding current or previous employment Detail 添加目前或之前就业资料
Employment(1) 工作(一)
Employment(2) 工作(二)
Employment(3) 工作(三)
Employment(1) 工作(一)
Name of Company 公司名字
Type of Business/Industry 行业类型
Position Held 职位
Year of Service [Fill in From Year to Year] 服务年份【填上从几年至几年】
Total salary per month (RM)? 月薪多少(RM)?
Reason for leaving 离职的原因
Employment(2) 工作(二)
Name of Company 公司名字
Type of Business/Industry 行业类型
Position Held 职位
Year of Service [Fill in From Year to Year] 服务年份【填上从几年至几年】
Total salary per month (RM)? 月薪多少(RM)?
Reason for leaving 离职的原因
Employment(3) 工作(三)
Name of Company 公司名字
Type of Business/Industry 行业类型
Position Held 职位
Year of Service [Fill in From Year to Year] 服务年份【填上从几年至几年】
Total salary per month (RM)? 月薪多少(RM)?
Reason for leaving 离职的原因
Others Information 其他资讯
Do you have any past CRIMINAL RECORDS? 您是否有过犯罪记录?
No 没有
Yes 有
If your answer to the above question is affirmative, Please give details. 如果您的上述问题回答是有,那么请提供详情。
Have you been charged with any criminal acts or have been found guilty to any civil or criminal investigation in any COURT OF LAW? 您是否已在任何法院中被指控犯有任何犯罪行为,或已被判犯有任何民事或刑事调查?
No 没有
Yes 有
If your answer to the above question is affirmative, Please give details. 如果您的上述问题回答是有,那么请提供详情。
Have you been detained under any written laws? 您是否根据任何成文法被拘留?
No 没有
Yes 有
If your answer to the above question is affirmative, Please give details. 如果您的上述问题回答是有,那么请提供详情。
Have you ever been declared BANKRUPT or charged under BANKRUPTCY ACT? 您是否曾经被宣布破产或根据破产法被起诉?
No 没有
Yes 有
If your answer to the above question is affirmative, Please give details. 如果您的上述问题回答是有,那么请提供详情。
Do you have any known illnesses? 您有任何严重疾病吗?
No 没有
Yes 有
If your answer to the above question is affirmative, Please give details. 如果您的上述问题回答是有,那么请提供详情。
Do you currently pregnant? 您现在有怀孕吗?
No 没有
Yes 有
If your answer to the above question is affirmative, Please provide pregnant period? 如果您的上述问题回答是有,请问已经怀孕多久?
Do you have any other occupation? (Eg. PART TIME JOB/ ONLINE BUSINESS / VOLUNTEERISM) 您有其他职业吗? (例如,兼职工作/在线业务/志愿服务)
No 没有
Yes 有
If your answer to the above question is affirmative, Please give details. 如果您的上述问题回答是有,那么请提供详情。
Declaration 声明
I declare that above information is true and complete and I am liable to disciplinary action for falsifying or not declaring any of the above information required. False or inaccurate information given will render any subsequent employment null and void. 我声明上述信息是真实完整的,并且有可能因捏造或不声明任何上述信息而受到纪律处分。 所提供的错误或不正确的信息将使随后的雇用无效。
I hereby to confirmed all the information given true & complete. I agree that once check done this employment application form will become form with legal validity. I also agreed check has the same legal validity as my signature. 我在此确认所有信息的正确性和真实性。 我同意,一旦完成打勾,该就业申请表将成为具有法律效力的表格。 我还同意打勾与我的签名具有相同的法律效力。
I also hereby declare that I agree to the company(PIXIU BERHAD) in using my personal data which may include but not limited to my CV, NRIC number, passport, age, gender for the purpose of this application and anything related thereof. 我还特此声明,我同意公司(貔貅集团)使用我的个人数据,包括但不限于我的个人简历,身份证号码,护照,年龄,性别,以用于就业申请以及与之相关的任何目的。
I agreed company(PIXIU BERHAD) using my personal data and my identity documents for this application and related thereof. 我同意公司(貔貅集团)使用我的个人数据、个人简历、身份证明文件用于此申请及其相关内容。
I sign here as I have fully understood all the contents of this form, and absolutely abide by the agreement and declaration of the form, and I fully agree that once the signature is completed, this form will consider legal effect and I will never violate the laws and regulations of Malaysia. 本人在此签名,以做为本人已完全明白此表格的所有内容,并绝对遵守表格的协议和声明,并且完全同意一旦完成签名后,此表格将会拥有法律效力,绝不违反马来西亚的法律条例。
I complete the form and sign on 本人完成表格填写和签名于
Date 日期
Time 时间 Minutes
AM/PM Option
Should be Empty: