Pre-Educational Assessment Form
Kindergarten - 8th grade
First Name
Last Name
Email for receipt.
Preschool/Early Childhood School Name
If you have attended more than one elementary school, please list the schools and dates attended.
Elementary/Lower School Name
If you have attended more than one elementary school, please list the schools and dates attended.
Middle School Name (if applicable)
If you have attended more than one middle school, please list the schools and dates attended.
What is your HIGH SCHOOL graduation Year?
Please upload copies of this year's and last year's report cards. (If Applicable)
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Please list all of the private schools you are considering and what you like about those schools. (Include public, charter, and boarding schools if applicable.)
Please list your child's current course schedule. (If applicable)
Be specific regarding AP, Honors...etc.
What is your child's favorite and/or best class(es) and why? If your child is entering kinder and has not had any school class, please list favorite and/or best activities.
What is your child's least favorite and or worst class(es) and why? If your child is entering kinder and has not had any school class, please list least favorite and/or worst activities.
Is your child involved in any clubs or organizations? Please list including dates. (If applicable)
Does your child play any sports? Please list current and past sports including dates.
Please list all of your child's honors and awards, including dates. (If applicable)
Please list all of your child's past and current community service. (If applicable)
What are three words you would use to describe your child?
Please describe the strengths of your child.
Please describe opportunities for growth for your child.
What opportunities/experiences are you excited about for your child within the next 12 months?
What challenges/experiences are you concerned about for your child within the next 12 months?
Do you have specific goals for your child as he or she works through our program?
Our programs: School Placement, Test Preparation, Academic Enrichment, Math/Reading/Writing Fundamentals
Is there any other information you would like to share? Or specific questions you would like us to address?
Does your child have any learning differences?
If you do have any learning differences, please upload supporting documents here.
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Please list all official standardized test scores (Duke TIP ACT/SAT, ERB, STAR, STAAR...etc.) and source of test (i.e. Kaplan, CollegeBoard...etc)
Please upload all standardized score reports (official or practice).
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Please use this space to let us know anything about you and your child's college goals. We believe that it's never too early to talk about college.
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