Squad Coaching Enrolment
For all new coaching attendees, please complete the following form before setting up your Direct Debit mandate. Once both are in place, you are enrolled and should start attending! Please feel free to email any questions, and don't forget to sign up for our coaching updates WhatsApp group.
Player Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Player DOB (leave blank for adults)
School (if Junior)
Club or Venue
Are you a Club Member?
N/A (my venue doesn't offer club membership)
Squad Session attending (Day & Time)
If you are signing up for any form of advanced junior 'Player' or 'Competitor' Squads, please detail your child's playing experience including their British Tennis Membership number so that we can view their competitive profile.
Parents, do you give consent for your child to leave solo? (you can make any comments on this in the notes box further down)
Yes - I permit my child to walk home
No - they must be with a parent or nominated adult I inform you of
Not Applicable - I am an adult player
Do you give permission for photographs or video of you or your child to be taken during coaching or match activities? If published, they will appear without contact details, in line with current guidelines.
Any notes that we should be aware of? Including medical issues or individual needs.
I have read and accept the Terms & Conditions on the previous page
Should be Empty: