Admission Policy: Harmony School of Innovation- Brownsville is excited to extend the Early College High School (ECHS) program initiative to its rising scholars. Our school welcomes any interested 8th grade student to apply to our program. We look forward to working with a cohort of ambitious and dedicated students who are eager to learn and excel.
Our school will honor the ECHS blueprint with fidelity and assure that the enrollment process identifies, recruits, and enrolls subpopulations of the following groups: 1) At-risk students (as defined by Texas Education Code (TEC) 29.081 and PEIMS. 2) Economically disadvantaged students.
In order to promote equity, "enrollment decisions will not be based on state assessment scores, discipline history, teacher recommendations, parent or student essays, minimum grade point average (GPA), or other criteria that create barriers for student enrollment."
Lottery Procedure: The selection process will be based on a weighted lottery. Priority will be given to students who are labeled as at-risk and or economically disadvantaged. Students who do not fall under the aforementioned categories may still be selected. As per the ECHS blueprint requirement, our ECHS cohort must be proportionate to or over-representing: a) At-risk students by no more than 25% points under the district with whom we are compared. b)Economically disadvantaged students by no more than 10% points under the district with whom we are compared.
As per the Harmony Student and Parent Handbook, "a "lottery' for purposes of the
school's admissions procedures is a random selection process that determines the order of enrollment of student applicants. An annual lottery is required for each campus if the number of applicants for that campus exceeds the number of available seats. The lottery shall take place within fifteen days after the closing date of the application period. The required lottery will be conducted via lottery selection software. To ensure that the required lottery winner list and the waiting list are selected randomly, the principal or designee of each campus will conduct the computerized lottery, supervised by a representative from the Cluster Office to which the school reports."