OWL Pen Pal Registration Form
We are bringing back the OWL Pen Pal Program for the Summer of 2021. While we continue to practice social distancing, seniors are particularly vulnerable to isolation and loneliness, thus impacting their immunity and mental health. Austin Bat Cave's OWL Pen Pal Program connects and matches young people with senior citizens in the greater Austin area through a digital pen pal program that fosters meaningful connections between generations and helps build empathy for participants. This program is ideal for young writers (age 10-18) with strong reading and writing skills, who are able to work independently and are self-motivated (they will be responsible for corresponding with seniors in their community) and who are interested in learning from and engaging with their senior pen pal. This program will run from early May-the second week of September.
Student Information
Student Name
First Name
Last Name
Please Select
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade
Ninth Grade
Tenth Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
Current School
Student Email
If you were connected with a Pen Pal who is a senior in your community, what would you like to learn from them?
What are some things that you are interested in (hobbies, subjects in school, books/tv shows/movies you like, etc)?
What could you teach your Pen Pal?
Parent/Guardian Information
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
I give permission for my child to participate in the OWL Pen Pal program and agree to help over see my child's correspondence with their Pen Pal.
Yes, I do give permission for ABC to use photos/videos of my child.
No, I do not give permission for ABC to use photos/videos of my child.
I also give permission for still photographs and/or video of my child taken during this program to be used by Austin Bat Cave for promotional purposes.
Yes, I do give permission for ABC to use photos/videos of my child.
No, I do not give permission for ABC to use photos/videos of my child.
Comments or Questions
Should be Empty: