Request to add state(s)
If you selected "Add state(s)" to a carrier above, please note the following:
1. This request to add states will only apply to exisiting appointments that you have through PPI. If you are not yet appointed through PPI for that specific carrier, you need to choose either "New Appointment" or "Transfer" for that carrier so that you can be set up through PPI.
2. You must be actively licensed in the the state(s) that you are selecting on this form. To add a state license/line of authority, go to Do not submit a request to add a state until your license has been approved in that state.
3. If you select carriers on this form that you do not have an active appointment with through PPI, your request to add a state will not be able to be processed.
4. Some carriers will require you to go into your agent portal in order to complete this request. Look for emails from our team regarding any further action required.
5. You must upload a copy of your state license(s) for those states that you are requesting to add.
Questions? Call us at 864.228.2635