*Parent Copy*
The Vineyard Church of DuPage Kids Ministry exists to nurture the development of each child’s lifelong relationship with God. Our vision is to partner with parents, teachers, and the church body to disciple kids. Our goal is to help them experience God and develop a relationship with Him. We hope to help kids find out who God has made them to be, and guide them into becoming leaders in the church and in the world around them. We strive to accomplish this while being “biblically thoughtful, spiritually powerful and culturally relevant.” Each week during Kingdom Adventure, kids are given the opportunity to connect with God through worship and to learn about God’s Word in a fun and interactive way. They will be challenged to link what they learn to their own lives. Our goal is that each child who walks through our doors will feel loved by God and the church. We would love to hear from you! Please direct any questions or concerns to the Children’s Directors, Olivia Frederick and Haydee Wenholz kidschurch@dupagevineyard.org.
o Sign-in begins at 9:45 am.
o Unless prior arrangements are made with the sign-in worker, the person who signs in the child must be the same person to sign him out. We will not bring your child to you after the close of the service. Please sign out your child promptly after the service.
o We will not take children to the bathroom during class. Please encourage your child to use the bathroom before dismissal to class. Children whose parents have given permission for them to use the bathroom during class will be allowed to leave the room, one at a time, if needed. o Please do not send food, drinks, toys, or electronic devices with your child to class.