Mrs Twinkle Toes Entertainment (Andrea Houchen) requires a 50% deposit to secure the date of your party.
The balance is due 1 week prior. You will be invoiced for any requested overtime entertainment.
Entertainer will advise of finish time and begin to pack up, if you request the entertainer to stay longer you will be invoiced $10.00 for every ten minutes.
Overtime is not always possible due to entertainer going to host another party event.
Entertainer will begin at their start time and can not wait for any late guests, which may result in the guest missing out of face paint, face glitter/gems or other activities.
Final numbers must be received 7 days prior to the party date and all extras (activities & menu items) must be paid for at this time.
This deposit will be refunded within two days, should all items be found to be in good order. This is over and above any venue hire fee.
In the event of unforeseen event, you may cancel your booking and change to one alternative date only.
In the event of a cancellation within a month before the party, your deposit of 50% will be non-refundable. We offer one free date change which we suggest over cancelling.
If party entertainer is unable to attend a party due to sickness or unforeseen circumstances a replacement will be organised.
If a replacement is not possible a full refund will be issued.
In the case of late or incomplete payment, you are in default. Twinkle Toes Entertainment will have the right to cancel the booking immediately. You are responsible for all the damages which suffer as a consequence of this, as well as the costs which has made with regard to your booking and the cancellation.
You are responsible for obtaining details of medical conditions and allergies of guests and passing them onto the entertainer in writing one week prior to the party date. Send to