Make A Move
Staff and Parent Testimonial and Feedback
Choose your school
Orana CPS
St John's CPS
St Francis of Assisi CPS
Hawker Park Primary School
Majella CPS
Corpus Christi College
St Kieran CPS
Mary's Mount PS
Our Lady Of Grace
Salvado Catholic College
Warriapendi PS
Sacred Heart Goomalling
After School Classes - Goomalling
Aranmore CPS
Morley PS
St Augustine’s PS
St Patrick's PS
Holy Rosary
Aveley PS
Mother Teresa
Yuluma PS
Bayswater PS
Please tell us your role at the school. Eg. Parent/caregiver, year 5 teacher, principal etc.
If you don't mind your name being included with your testimonial, please tell us your name.
(Optional - all feedback is valuable for us)
Tell us what you LOVE about Make A Move. (2-3 sentences is perfect).
Is there anything we are missing?
Thank you for taking the time to give us valuable feedback!
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