The requirements in Part 383 apply to every driver who operates in intrastate, interstate, or foreign commerce and operates a vehicle weighing 26,001 pounds or more, can transport more than 15 people, or transports hazardous materials that require placarding.
The requirements in Part 391 apply to every driver who operates in interstate commerce and operates a vehicle weighing 10,001 pounds or more, can transport more than 15 people, or transports hazardous materials that require placarding.
Parts 383 & 391 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations contain certain driver licensing requirements that you as a driver must comply with, including the following:
1.POSSESS ONLY ONE LICENSE: You, as a commercial vehicle driver, may not possess more than one motor vehicle operator’s license.
2.NOTIFICATION OF LICENSE SUSPENSION, REVOCATION OR CANCELLATION: Sections 391.15(b2) and 383.33 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations require that you notify your employer the NEXT BUSINESS DAY of any revocation or suspension of your driver’s license.
In addition, Section 383.31 requires that any time you are convicted of violating a state or local traffic law (other than parking), you must report it within 30 days to: 1) your employing motor carrier, and 2) the state that issued your license (if the violation occurs in a state other than the one which issued your licenseThe notification to both the employer and state must be in writing.
3) CDL DOMICILE REQUIREMENT: Section 383.23(a2) requires that your commercial driver’s license be issued by your legal state of domicile, where you have your true, fixed, and permanent home and principal residence and to which you have the intention of returning whenever you are absent. If you establish new domicile in another state, you must apply to transfer your CDL within 30 days.
I hereby certify that I only possess the license listed.