2021-22 Registration Form
This person will be our main contact person.
Please complete this section if the second parent or carer will be authorised to collect your child from the club.
We will always contact parents and carers first in the case of an emergency.
If we cannot get in touch, please provide details for people you would like us to contact next.
First Emergency Contact
Second Emergency Contact
Third Emergency Contact
Please confirm below whether you authorise the people listed in Sections 3 and 4 to collect your child. If there is anyone else you wish to authorise to collect your child, please provide their details below.
Authorised People
First Authorised Person
Second Authorised Person
Third Authorised Person
Please choose one of the following four options.
If you selected 'I would like to change my regular days', please tick the days you would like in the 'Request to Change Days' section below and we will get back to you shortly to confirm availability.
If you selected 'I do not have any regular days yet', please submit a Place Request Form (this link will open a new window) to add your child to our waiting list and we will get back to you shortly to confirm availabilty. (Please also continue with this form!)
If needed, are you happy for your child to recieve basic first aid by our qualified members of staff?
Are you happy for us to sign any written form of consent required by emergency services if they feel that a delay in getting your signature would endanger your child's health and safety?
Are you happy for your child's information to be displayed on our medical, allergy and dietary lists for our staff to see?
Are you happy for your child to be photographed while at the club and for photos to be displayed within the setting?
Are you happy for photos of your child to be published on our website and used in printed media (such as guides to the club or newsletters)?
Are you happy for your child to be filmed while at the club and for films to be shown within the setting?
Are you happy for us to post pictures and/or videos of your child on our social media accounts? (Please note that we will never publish your child's name or personal information with a photo.)
Are you happy for your child to watch PG movies while at the setting?
Are you happy for your child to be offered high-factor sun cream on sunny days? (Please note children will apply sun cream themselves and, while we will encourage them to wear it, we will never force them to if they say they do not want it.)
Are you happy for your child to participate in short trips off the premises (e.g. to local parks or shops)?
Please confirm you have read the following documents.
(Click on the document names to view them in PDF format in a new window or right-click for the option to download them.)
All information on this form will remain confidential in accordance with our Confidentiality Policy.
By signing and submitting this registration form, you agree to our Fees, Terms and Conditions.