Submit Your Question
Note: Due to the volume of questions we receive, we cannot guarantee your question will be answered, but we will do our best!
Name (Optional)
You can leave this blank, use your first name, or leave an Alias such as "Heartbroken Human".
What is your question about? (Ex: Relationships, Trauma, Sexual Assault, etc.)
How would you like to submit a question?
I'd like to record my question.
I'd like to submit a written question.
Email Address (Optional)
By including your email address you may receive a response regarding your question, and you will be added to New View Advice email list.
Voice Recorder
Do I have your permission to feature your recorded question on the podcast? (Note: I will not edit the question, so it will be exactly as recorded and your exact voice)
Yes, absolutely!
No, please don't feature my voice.
Question Submission:
Do I have your permission to feature this question on the podcast?
Yes, absolutely!
No, I'm just writing in, and do not want this read on the podcast.
How did you hear about New View Advice Podcast?
Google / Search Engine
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