My name is Meredith Edwards and I am the Clerk of Superior Court for Alamance County. My staff consists of 11 Assistants and 32 Deputy Clerks. Our mission is to provide knowledgeable, efficient, compassionate service.
We are state employees and our office is directed by the Administrative Office of the Courts in Raleigh.
There are changes being made constantly in the law and procedures and we strive very hard to implement these changes. My staff is consistently involved in training and learning and have many accumulated years of service in this office.
I would like your input and comments on your visit to our office and the service you received while conducting your business here. I value any suggestion or comments on how we can continue to improve our service to the citizens of this county. Please take time to complete this survey and let us know about your experience.
I greatly appreciate your taking the valuable time to let us know how your experience was in our office in hopes that we might be able to improve our service in the future.
Thank you.