The applicant agrees that Hawkins ISD and employees will not be liable for any damage to person or property by reason of negligent acts of applicant, its agents, employees, invitees, or subcontractors. Applicant agrees to protect, indemnify for legal costs and other expenses, and hold harmless, the School District and its officers, employees, directors and agents from claims, liabilities, or suits, arising out of injury to person or property from negligent acts of applicant, directly or indirectly attributable to user’s activities and/or use of premises except for sole negligence of Hawkins ISD.
Monday – Friday
5am – 7am
6pm – 10:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
5am – 10 pm
Other Rules:
- A $120 annual membership fee is required for facility use. Members will be given access through the ISONAS Pure Mobile App (iPhone or Android) for facility access.
- Proof of residency must be provided at Hawkins ISD Administration building.
- There will be no refunds once the membership is purchased.
- Membership dates run from Sept. 1 thru Aug 31st.
- You must be 18 years of age to be granted access to the weight room.
- No food or drink allowed in the weight room (a plastic water bottle with a lid is acceptable).
- No animals in the weight room.
- Always remove weights from bars and return all weights to proper racks.
- When using the free weights, always use spotters.
- Do not drop bars or lean plates against equipment.
- Do not alter or abuse machines and free weight area with reckless technique or improper use.
- Do not lean against or put your hands on the mirrors.
- Horseplay or unsafe activity is not acceptable.
- No tobacco products allowed in the weight room.
- Bring your own towel to wipe the machines after use.
- The use of profanity will not be tolerated.
- Failure to comply with policies and directions of the staff governing participation, equipment and/or conduct may result in suspension from this facility. No refund will be given.
- Use of alcohol, tobacco, and/or drugs is prohibited. Profane language and/or other objectionable conduct may result in barred use of facilities.
- Firearms or other dangerous weapons are prohibited on school grounds as defined by law.
- Access to facilities and services, except as otherwise addressed in these rules, shall be limited to that specified on the application.
- District-owned equipment shall not be removed from the facility.
- Appropriate shoes are required for all activities on the rubber floor of weight room (tennis shoes).
- No shoes are permitted on the mat.
- The applicant/organization shall not practice discrimination of any kind.
- Facility use is cancelled when facility/building is closed due to an emergency.
- The District reserves the right to refuse or revoke any authorization issued for the use of a school building or grounds.