Digital Connecting Corps (DCC) Partnership Interest Form
Tell us about you/your organization and why you are interested in partnering with us
If applicable, enter your organization's name:
If applicable, enter your organization's website:
What is the best way to reach you? Please enter your phone number and/or email address:
How would you like to partner with us? Click each box that applies:
I am part of an educational institution who would like to partner and explore more about what this would look like
I am part of a non-profit or for-profit organization who would like to offer this opportunity for my employees to volunteer as tech coaches
I am part of a non-profit or for-profit organization who has other ideas about partnering and would like to explore this
I am an individual and interested in learning more about how I can help out
I have specialized skills in one or more of the following ways (Technology, Working with Aging Adults, Training Technology Skills) and would like to share my knowledge to help elevate this program
Anything else you would like to share with us?
Should be Empty: