1. The nominee must:
- Read and understand the extract below from the Rules and Standing Orders of the Society
- Upload a headshot
- Include a brief profile/biography consisting of no more than 200 words
- Sign and date the Loyalty Declaration form
- Hold the necessary Licentiate/Fellow qualification
2. Nominators:
- Only Full and Life Members shall be qualified to act as proposer or seconder for the purposes of nomination
- Nominators must have paid their subscription for the current year
- Cannot be members of the Faculty Committee concerned
Extract from the Rules and Standing Orders of the Society:
(i) subject to any direction of the Council to meet any special case or circumstance, only individuals holding a Licentiate or Fellow status in the Faculty concerned shall be eligible for election to membership of that Faculty Committee. The nomination of any candidate who is not a UK resident requires the prior approval of the Council; and
(ii) in order to encourage cross-over and coherence and subject to Rule (i) above, a Full Member may stand for election for more than one Faculty Committee at a time but may not stand at all if they are already serving on another Faculty Committee in which the term of office can continue beyond the date on which they would take office if elected. In the event of their being successful in more than one election, they must immediately decide on which appointment to take and any appointment not taken will immediately pass to the person receiving the next lower number of votes in the relevant election; and
(iii) subject to any direction of the Council, a Full Member standing for election to a Faculty Committee must be a teacher of dancing which, for the purpose of this Rule, shall mean holding a responsible position in the dancing teaching profession.