Volunteer Agreement
My services are donated to the hospital without contemplation of compensation/remuneration, benefits, or future employment from Skagit Regional Health, and given with humanitarian reasons.
I understand that I must provide proof of flu vaccination during declared periods of flu activity. Flu vaccination must occur a minimum of 2 weeks prior to volunteering. If I decline, I may be required to mask while on duty or take other appropriate protective measures.
I understand that volunteers are asked to complete a minimum of 100 hours before requesting recommendations or receiving credit for hours volunteered. As the number of positions is limited, prospective volunteers should apply at least a year in advance of any school deadlines that may be applicable. High school students seeking course or club credit should apply and begin volunteering before their senior year.
I understand that it is the policy of Skagit Regional Health ("SRH") to respect the right of confidentiality for all of our patients and employees and to insist that all volunteers with access to patient confidential information and Protected Health Information at SRH strictly maintain the confidentiality and integrity of this information. "Confidential Information" includes all facts relating to the patient's medical care (past, present or future), including oral information, written information, and any computerized records or data. "Confidential Information" also includes patient financial information, employee records (medical or otherwise) and any other information of a private or sensitive nature at SRH, including financial and operating information of SRH. I agree to strictly adhere to this confidentiality statement.
I hereby certify that there are no willful misrepresentations or falsifications of any of the statements or answers to questions on this application.