Virginia Northern Diocese Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, Inc. Bishop Designate Darryl Thomas, Presider
Date: Date City of Convocation Convocation City Church Host: Hosting Church Reporting Church: Church Name Telephone: Church Telephone Church Address: Church Address City: Church City State: Church State Zip: Church Zip Church Mailing Address: Mailing Address City: Mailing City State: Mailing State Zip: Mailing Zip No. of Members: No. MembersBishops: No. Bishops Elders: No. Elders Licensed Ministers No. Ministers Exhorters: No. Exhorters Deacons (Sr): Sr. Deacons (Jr): Jr. Deacons Missionaries (Sr): Sr. Missionaries (Social): Social Missionaries (Jr): Jr Missionaries Water Baptism (Since Last Convocation): Baptisms Spirit Baptism (Since Last convocation): Spirit Baptisms No. Fellowshipped: No. Fellowshipped No. Dis Fellowshipped: Disfellowshipped Trustees: Trustees Deaths: No. Deaths Church School Members: School Members Officers: No. Officers ABYPU Members: ABYPU FINANCIAL REPORTNational 10% Sent InMissionary: Missionaries 10% Sunday School: Sunday school 10% ABYPU: ABYPU 10% TOTAL: TOTAL 10% CHURCH FINANCE TO DIOCESE:Representation: Representation Roll Call: Roll Call Dollar Money: Dollar Money Secretaries Offering: Secretary Offering Special Offering: Special Offering State Bishop's Tithes: Bishop's Tithes Love Offering: Love Offering Total Offering: Total Offering AUXILIARY OFFERING TO DIOCESEMissionary Department: Missionary Offering Sunday school Department: Sunday School Offering ABYPU: ABYPU Offering Grand Total: Total Auxiliary Offering PASTORS INFORMATIONPastors Name: Pastor's Name Telephone Number: Pastor Phone Mailing Address: Pastors Mailing Address City: Pastor City State: Pastor State ZIP: PastorZip Church Secretary: Church Secretary Pastor's Signature: Pastor Signature Secretary's Signature: Secr_Signature
If mailing in your payment, make your checks or money orders to VIRGINIA NORTHERN DIOCESE Mail to:P.O. Box 183, Sandston, VA 23150 Attn: VND Finance Committee