The Centennial Society Invitation
We would like to thank you for your interest and investment in the mission and future of Thomas More University. Your continued support allows the University to challenge students of all faiths to examine the ultimate meaning of life, their place in the world, and their responsibility to others. This mission is especially important as Thomas More enters its second century.
Through the Second Century Campaign, which will launch on September 13, 2021, the University is committing itself to improving student success, fostering academic innovation, and demonstrating responsible stewardship. This will be done through capital projects, growing the University’s endowment, and other focuses that mean the most to donors such as yourself.
Thomas More University invites you to make a very special contribution to the Second Century Campaign. The Centennial Society is a group of alumni and friends who make a pledge of $1,921 a year for five years. There will be recognition throughout the campaign for those who make this commitment as it will be especially transformative as the University enters its next chapter.
Please complete the pledge information below regarding your gift to The Centennial Society. Additional gifts may be made at the pleasure of the donor or other interested parties. Thomas More University thanks you for your continued dedication and support.
Should circumstances change, we understand that the terms of this pledge may be changed to expedite or defer the gifting schedule by informing the university.