Preschool Video/Photo Release Form
Student Name
Attending School District
Please Select
#1 Metamora Grade School
#2 Riverview Grade School
#6 Fieldcrest Primary
#21 Lowpoint Washburn
WCSEA Intensive ECE
VIDEO Staff like to video special activities in the classroom to allow children an opportunity to see themselves as learners. Video may also be used to teach specific skills such as lining up, zipping a coat, or asking a friend to play. Videos may be used on classroom social media (closed group).
I give permission to video
I decline permission to video
PHOTOGRAPHS Staff use student photographs for a variety of things during the school year. Student photos are taken during activities and put on display in the classroom/hallway, shared in the newsletter, classroom social media (closed group) or used in your child’s portfolio.
I give permission to photograph
I decline permission to photograph
WCSEA WEBSITE I give permission for my child's image (not name) to be included in posts on the WCSEA website.
I give permission
I decline permission
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