Denver Cooperative Preschool
2022-23 Family Cooperative Agreement
These are the terms of enrollment at the Denver Cooperative Preschool (DCP). DCP requires participation from every one of our families in order to maintain quality programming for our children and families. By choosing to be members of our cooperative preschool, we commit ourselves as parents to be a part of a team with the teachers, our children, and fellow parents in the community.
The following list includes six areas of responsibility in which each family is required to participate as a member of the DCP. As part of their commitment, each family should read DCP’s handbook which provides detailed information on the school’s philosophy, policies, and procedures as well as every family’s cooperative responsibilities. The DCP Family Handbook can be found at under “Enrolled Families.” An updated DCP Family Handbook for 2022-23 will be shared with families prior to the start of the school year.
Please review and initial each item to affirm your commitment (all six areas are required for enrollment at DCP). At the end of the document we ask that all parents/guardians sign the cooperative agreement. Thank you!