Email of person completing form:
Introduction & Why
At Snooze, our motto is it only takes a moment to make a difference. This holds true with how we shape the guest experience, treat our Snoozers, interact with our partner purveyors, strengthen our communities, and impact the planet. It is our hope to work with partners who share our ideals, to work in collaboration, and to learn from those also working hard on these awesome initiatives. If we teach others about the standards we believe in, great! If we learn from others along the way, even better. By 2023 - we plan to have our Snooze Approved Supplier Code and Partner Questionnaire enhanced to include important global issues such as fair labor standards, business ethics and integrity, climate change and toxins - and that each of the products that we source through our partners will meet these standards. We hope our partners can learn, grow and evolve with us to help foster a more responsible food and materials sourcing world. First, we ask these questions as a way to capture what our partners are up to. Then, to identify potential areas of improvement for both Snooze and our partners. Please, share your story with us! Feel free to reach out to if you have any questions, comments or concerns while reviewing this document. Thank you for your time - we look forward to hearing from you!
To be reviewed in this document:
1. Company Information 2. Food Safety and HACCP 3. Workers Rights and Child Labor 4. Responsible sourcing and use of food and materials: 5. Social and Environmental Programs
1. Partner Information
First, we'd like to hear a bit more about you.
Company name:
What is your company's address?
If you are on social media, what are your social handles?
Who is filling out this form, and what is your position?
Who is the best person in your company to contact for sales?
Who is the best person in your company to contact for media/social media?
How long have you been a partner of Snooze's?
New Partner
Under 1 Year
1-2 Years
3-5 Years
6-9 Years
10 Years Plus
How long has your company been in business?
Under 2 Years
3-5 Years
6-10 Years
11-20 Years
Over 20 Years
Describe your company's ownership structure.
What type of products do you supply to Snooze?
Food & Beverage: Beef
Food & Beverage: Pork
Food & Beverage: Chicken
Food & Beverage: Seafood
Food & Beverage: Eggs (Liquid & Shell)
Food & Beverage: Dairy (Liquid & Solid)
Food & Beverage: Dry Goods
Food & Beverage: Breads & Tortillas
Food & Beverage: Coffee & Tea
Food & Beverage: Produce
Food & Beverage: Non-Alcoholic Beverages
Food & Beverage: Wine & Champagne
Food & Beverage: Beer
Food & Beverage: Sprits
Materials : Retail
Materials : Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment
Materials: Paper & Disposables
Materials: Cleaning Chemicals
We are a Distributor
For which Snooze Region(s) do you supply products?
Kansas City, Missouri
North Carolina
Texas - Austin & San Antonio
Texas - Dallas
Texas - Houston
What percentage of your business does Snooze represent?
21% or more
We are a potential new partner.
For 2021, what were your annual sales to Snooze?
For 2022, what are your projected annual sales to Snooze?
2. Food Safety & HACCP:
We participated in Snooze’s HACCP approval program and have met suggested criteria.
No we do not have it, please send it our way!
3. Fair labor standards and child labor:
We comply with fair labor standards and child labor laws in each country of operation.
Not Sure
4. Snooze Approved Sourcing Standards:
The Snooze Approved Sourcing program applies strict standards to the food, beverage and materials that enter the doors of a Snooze Restaurant. Please answer questions related to the category of products your company supplies to Snooze. For assistance with understanding our standards, please refer to the document "Snooze Approved Sourcing Standards", which was included in the email from
Do you provide edible food and/or beverage to Snooze an A.M. Eatery?
Do you provide non-edible materials to Snooze an A.M. Eatery?
Section 4A: Snooze Approved Food & Beverage
The Snooze Approved Sourcing program applies strict standards to the food, beverage and materials that enter the doors of a Snooze Restaurant. Please answer questions related to the category of products your company supplies to Snooze. For assistance with understanding our standards, please refer to the document "Snooze Approved Sourcing Standards", which was included in the email from Purchasing. To learn more about our Snooze Approved Food Sourcing standards, please check this video from our Vimeo account:
Please answer the following questions as they relate to the product(s) you provide to Snooze.
Always Yes
Sometimes Yes
No, but plans to change in 2022
No, but plans to change by 2024
Not sure
N/A to the product(s) we provide to Snooze
No artificial Ingredients or preservatives (the 86'd Ingredient List)
No added hormones
No antibiotics
No subtherapeutic antibiotics
Sustainable agricultural practices
Vegetarian diet
Untitled Section
Please list the product(s) you supply to Snooze:
4B: Snooze Approved Materials
The Snooze Approved Sourcing program applies strict standards to the food, beverage and materials that enter the doors of a Snooze Restaurant. Please answer questions related to the category of products your company supplies to Snooze. For assistance with understanding our standards, please refer to the document "Snooze Approved Sourcing Standards", which was included in the email from Purchasing.
4B: Materials by Category: Paper & Disposables
Togo containers, one-time-use items, paper products, office supplies, etc.
Please answer these questions if you supply Paper & Disposables to Snooze:
Always Yes
Sometimes Yes
No, but plans to change in 2022
No, but plans to change by 2024
Not sure
N/A to the product we provide to Snooze
Materials are made from recycled content
Materials are made from renewable resources
Products can be recycled
Products can be composted
Products can be repurposed/reused
Products belong in the landfill after use
Please list the paper & disposable product(s) you supply to Snooze:
Are there any innovative actions we can take with the products you supply to Snooze to keep them out of the landfill?
4B: Materials by Category: Cleaning Chemicals
Any chemical based substance (liquid or solid) used for cleaning purposes in our restaurants to provide a safe and sanitary environment for our Snoozers and guests. Our aim is to create happy, healthy and sanitary restaurant environments. Healthy means good to our bodies, communities and environment too.
Please answer these questions if you supply Cleaning Chemicals to Snooze.
Always Yes
Sometimes Yes
No, but plans to change in 2022
No, but plans to change by 2024
Not sure
N/A to the product we provide to Snooze
No carcinogens
No bleach
No amonia
No phosphates
Low-to-no VOCs
No mutagens / teratogens / neurotoxins
Low-to-no skin / eye & inhalation irritants
Low-to-no dyes & fragrances
No hazardous ingredients
Please list the chemical product(s) you supply to Snooze:
4B: Materials by Category: Retail
For the retail products you provide to Snooze, do they meet the following standards?:
Always Yes
Sometimes Yes
No, but plans to change in 2022
No, but plans to change by 2024
Not sure
N/A to the product we provide to Snooze
Made from Recycled Content
Made from renewable resources
Made from Organic Cotton
Made from non-BPA plastics
Made from non-toxic materials
Please list the retail product(s) you supply to Snooze:
5. Social and Environmental Beliefs and Actions of our Partners
5A: Social Beliefs and Actions of our Partners
We'd like to hear about any socially positive programs you're involved in.
Does your company participate in socially-positive programs, such as:
No, but plans to initiate in 2022
No, but with plans to initiate by 2024
Unpaid Employee Volunteer Opportunities
Paid Employee Volunteer Opportunities
Charitable donations (Includes monetary and/or in-kind)
Support of programs in the communities of your upstream suppliers (i.e. farmers, ranchers, manufacturers)
Support of programs in the communities of your downstream partners (i.e. customers, Snooze, etc)
Please list some of the partnerships that you are most proud of, or that you feel most align to your values as an organization.
Has your company won any awards or earned certifications related to social programs your company has excelled in? Is there anything innovative you would like to share with us regarding your social programs?
Does your company provide any of the following benefits to your employees?
No, but plans to initiate in 2022
No, but with plans to by 2024
Health Insurance
Employee Emergency Fund
Health & Wellness Related Programs
Paid Vacation Days
Paid Holidays
Paid Sick Days
Paid Family Leave
Is there anything else, not listed above, that you would like to share with us about innovative employee programs within your company?
5: Environmental Beliefs and Actions of our Partners
5B: Waste Diversion
Always Yes
Sometimes Yes
No, but with plans to start in 2022
No, but with plans to start by 2024
Recycle: Single Stream Recycilng
Recycle: Cardboard Recycling
Recycle: Glass Recycling
Recycle: Metals Recycling
Recycle: Hard to Recycle Items
Recycle: Other
Compost: Food Waste
Compost: Yard Waste
Hazardous Waste Solutions
Other innovative waste solutions
We track all waste outputs
5B: Waste Diversion: Innovative Solutions
5B: Waste Stream Percentages
1 - 25%
Not Sure
5B: Waste Diversion Goals
5B: Materials Management
Always Yes
Sometimes Yes
No, but with plans to start in 2022
No, but with plans to start by 2024
Made from recycled content
Made from "Other"
Belong in the landfill
5B: Materials Management
5B: Materials Management
Always Yes
Sometimes Yes
No, but with plans to start in 2022
No, but with plans to start by 2024
We have a purchasing protocol to purchase recycled content for applicable goods
We have a purchasing protocol to purchase renewable resources for applicable goods
We encourage reduction of disposables use in our office
We encourage reduction of disposables use in our operations
We have other innovative practices we would like to share
5B: Materials Management
5B: Materials Management
Always Yes
Sometimes Yes
No, but with plans to start in 2022
No, but with plans to start by 2024
Chemicals meet standards
5B: Materials Management
5B: Materials Management Goals
5B: Energy / Water / Carbon Conservation
Always Yes
Sometimes Yes
No, but with plans to start in 2022
No, but with plans to start by 2024
Energy Star Rated Appliances
Energy efficient lighting technologies
HVAC efficiencies
Behavioral focused energy efficiency practices
On-Site energy production
Support of off-site renewable energy
Innovative Programs
We track and analyze energy use
5B: Energy Programs
5B: Energy / Water / Carbon Conservation
Always Yes
Sometimes Yes
No, but with plans to start in 2022
No, but with plans to start by 2024
Low flow appliances and/or fixtures
Behavioral focused water efficiency practices
Other innovative water efficiency programs
We track and analyze water use
5B: Water Programs
5B: Energy / Water / Carbon Conservation
Always Yes
Sometimes Yes
No, but with plans to start in 2022
No, but with plans to start by 2024
Does your company have a transportation policy for employees?
Does your company have a transportation policy for suppliers?
Does your company provide benefits to employees who use alternative forms of transportaion
Any other innovative practices you would like to share?
We track transportation habits of any of the above
5B: Transportation Programs
5B: Energy / Water / Carbon Conservation
Company does not currently monitor and record emissions
Company monitors and records emissions (no reduction targets)
Company monitors and has specific reduction targets
Not Sure
Scope 1 & 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
5B: Energy / Water / Carbon Related Goals
5B: Has your company won any awards or earned certifications related to environmental programs your company has excelled in?
5B: Environmental Programs and Practices
Thank you for your time!
We thank you for your time with this survey. It is our hope to learn from you - grow with you - and help to make both of our supply chains more environmentally and socially responsible.
Please rate the usefulness of this form for your company operations.
Is there anything missing from this form that you would like to share / we should update for next year's form?
Should be Empty: