The following pages cover mandatory checks of your vehicle, ladder or harness, as applicable. Failure to complete the checks puts you and others at risk, and we ask that you complete this form in line with Section 7 Health and Safety at Work etc. Act (1974).
Please report any defects by completing the relevant part of this form. There is not an exhaustive list of possible defects so please use the form option which best describes the defect and include a brief summary to be followed up. There is also the option in the Further Comments section at the end of the form to report anything else which needs followed up on. Photos of defects can also be uploaded at the end of the form.
Should you feel that any defect requires immediate attention, then contact your line manager as this form isn't reviewed on a live basis.
All forms should be submitted by all applicable staff, by 12 o'clock on a Monday, to allow the review process to be completed in a reasonable time.