I authorize Wiedmann Bros., and its employees and agents, to communicate with and make inquiries of my former employers. I
understand that these inquiries may relate to my job performance, the position(s) which I held, the dates of my employment, the
reasons for the termination of my employment and other job-related inquiries.
I hereby certify that all statements made in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any
misrepresentation or omission of facts in this application may be considered cause for rejection of my application or termination of
employment if discovered after being hired.
I further certify that I may lawfully be employed in this country, and if employed, will provide required documentation to verify
identity and employment eligibility in the required time period.
I understand and agree that my employment is for no definite period and may, regardless of the date of payment of my wages and
salary, be terminated at any time without any previous notice.
I hereby acknowledge that I have read the above statements and understand them.