In accordance with the by-laws of our chapter, to become a Full Brother, you must identify as a gay, bisexual Man of Color and complete a pledge process that lasts approximately 6 months.
The purpose of the pledge process is to:
- Provide the pledge with a knowledge base to be a resource to all people, particularly people of color, who seek to know more about the leather / fetish / kink community.
- Provide the pledge with tools to advocate for the leather / fetish / kink community and people of color in the community.
- Facilitate the pledge’s personal journey by providing him with Brotherhood and bonding opportunities, and broadening his leather / fetish / kink horizons through experiential and academic learning opportunities.
Studying the history of the Leather Community, Men of Color in that Community, and the history of ONYX and ONYX Mid-Atlantic are required components of completing the ONYX Mid-Atlantic Pledge Process. Pledges are given opportunities to learn about and explore various kinks and fetishes. Finally, pledges are expected to complete several group projects that will prepare them to become members of the chapter and Community.
Full Brothers have voting rights and other privileges within the chapter, as well as being allowed to wear an ONYX back patch (demonstrating to the community that one is a member of the ONYX family). Full Brothers are expected to be active participants in all club functions and in the community.