Apply to appear/be featured!
First Name
Last Name
Title or 2-3 descriptors (i.e., sex therapist or single mom in the Midwest)
Email address
If selected, would you prefer to use your actual name or remain anonymous?
Which type of segment/episode would you like to be considered for?
Extraordinary sex/sexuality story (about a specific experience)
Your sexual self-discovery journey
Personal experience related to a specific sex ed topic
I'm interested in weighing in as expert on the theme of another/others' experiences (occasional availability)
Please describe the personal experience(s) you'd like to explore:
What main takeaway(s) do you feel your story would provide?
Have you listened to Girl Boner Radio (in recent months or since 2021) enough to have familiarity with the narrative style and stories?
Do you have access to a USB microphone and headphones?
No, but I may by the time of an interview.
If the story/topic you pitched isn't an ideal fit now, would you like to be considered for other topics in the future?
Anything else you'd like August to know?
Should be Empty: