Images are created and edited in post-production at the Photographer’s discretion. Final images may not include all images shot. The Photographer reserves the creative rights to create, edit, and release only the images deemed as credible and professional in quality within the Photographer’s artistic standards. All files provided by the Photographer will be in JPEG format only, and modification of the files in any way by the Client is prohibited.
You, the Client, hereby release, discharge, and agree for yourself, minor children, your heirs, pets, administrators, executors and assigns not to sue Audrey Ricks Photography dba Sunsets Unleashed Pet Photography for any injury, death, or damage to or loss of personal property arising out of, or in connection with, your participation in the activity from whatever cause. The Client further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Audrey Ricks Photography dba Sunsets Unleashed from any and all claims, demands, actions, or suits arising out of, or in connection with, participation in the activity or use of images. By participating in the photo shoot, the Client, their minor children, pets, and any participants release the Photographer from any claims of libel or invasion of privacy in connection with usage of photos.
The client shall not use the Images for profit or any other commercial purpose, nor shall the client knowingly give the Images to any persons who will use the Images for profit or any other commercial purpose. This includes, but is not limited to: entry into contests, sales to stock photography agencies, and publishing for advertising or profit in any form. It is a violation of federal copyright law to allow the photographs to be digitally reproduced, copied, or scanned without written permission of the Photographer. Print releases will be provided and does not allow for any commercial use, including submission to magazines, contests or modification of images.
The Federal Copyright Law protects copyright. Audrey Ricks Photography dba Sunsets Unleashed Pet Photography shall retain ownership of the copyright to all images created and shall have the exclusive right to make reproductions for, including but not limited to, marketing materials, portfolio entries, sample products, editorial submission and use, advertising, or for display within or on the Photographer’s website and/or studio in all media forms down or hereafter devised.This Agreement qualifies as a model and property release for you, your pet(s), and your minor children. The Client signing this contract warrants that he or she has actual authority to agree to the use of the likeness of all persons and property included in the portrait in this manner and shall indemnify and defend Audrey Ricks Photography dba Sunsets Unleashed in the event of litigation arising out of such use.
I have read and understand this agreementand agree to be bound by the terms hereto.