Scholarship Availability
Catechetical ministry is a foundational ministry of the Church. Therefore, it is important that all children have access to this important component in their formation as children of God. Participation in catechetical ministry is not dependent on the ability to pay the full fee. Scholarships for VBS with Totus Tuus are available. Please contact Ryan at 651-395-5395 or for more information.
Totus Tuus Volunteers
Totus Tuus, a missionary organization of the Archdiocese will be leading alongside our staff. They supply four young adult missionaries who are trained to lead a fun and dynamic program for the week. However, we are still looking for adult and teen volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering with the week, please reach out to
Flocknote Sign-Up is Mandatory for Registering for VBS
Flocknote is our email and texting platform that allows the parish to reach out to specific groups of parishioners such as Faith Formation and Totus Tuus. To Register, simply text ‘SJOTL’ to 84576 to sign up. You may also register online at All contact and updates for Totus Tuus will be done through Flocknote. Join the group titled “VBS/Totus Tuus” to get email updates and texts
Photo Release
I, the undersigned, do hereby grant permission to St. Jude of the Lake Catholic Church to use the image of my child(ren). Such use includes the display, distribution, publication, transmission, or other use of photographs, images, and/or video taken of my child for use in materials that include, but may not be limited to, printed materials such as brochures and newsletters, videos, and digital images such as those on the St. Jude of the Lake Web site.