Downtown Odessa, Inc. is the Advisory Agency for the Odessa Development Corporation and City of Odessa to administer and process applications for Infrastructure and Building Facade Improvement Downtown Economic Development Incentives. Applications must meet all of the eligibility requirements and satisfy the requirements that the project, on a case by case basis, supports the economic development incentives to be granted. For those reasons, it is important that the application be submitted completely and accurately. Please answer all questions fully. Applications received that do not follow the guidelines will not be accepted. If the question is not applicable to your request, please indicate by "NA". There is no actual or implied commitment of Downtown Odessa, Inc. or the City of Odessa until such project is approved by the City Council.
Downtown Odessa, Inc.
119 W. 4th St.
Odessa, TX 79761
Phone: 432-335-4682
**Final Approval by City Council for Downtown Building Infrastructure Improvement funds must be made prior to any work being performed**
Sponsored by: The City of Odessa, Odessa Development Corporation (“ODC”) and Downtown Odessa, Inc.
Purpose: The Downtown Facade Improvement Program is designed to enhance the aesthetics of downtown Odessa thus promoting the revitalization process and increase the presence of retail, restaurants and entertainment.
Incentive: The Downtown Building Façade Improvement Program is a 4 tiered reimbursement grant. Based on the tiered system, the applicant will be reimbursed up to 80%, but not more than $25,000 of the total project cost of building façade improvements. Building owner or lessee is responsible for at least 20% of total project cost.
Boundaries: The Downtown boundaries are 1st Street, Adams Avenue, 10th Street and Bernice Avenue, and grants are available only for property within these boundaries. The amount of grant funds available shall be determined based on location of the property in accordance with the following tiered system:
- Tier 1: 100% of the 50% of grant funds shall be available for properties located within the boundaries of 1st Street, N. Tom Green Ave., 9th Street, N. Washington Ave.;
- Tier 2: 75% of the 50% of grant funds shall be available for properties located outside the boundaries of Tier 1 but still within the downtown boundaries as described above;
View a map here: Downtown Incentive Grant Tier Map
Discretion: The provision of incentives to any person or entity and the type, extent, and amount of such incentives is determined on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of Downtown Odessa, Inc. (“DOI”), the Odessa Development Corporation (“ODC”), and the City Council.
Façade: Eligible improvements are limited to the exterior building façade, including:
- Exterior treatment systems such as painting, murals, siding, stucco or simulated stucco, brick/stone work, or other approved treatments;
- Structural improvements to the building façade;
- Masonry or tile cleaning/repair;
- Restoration of details in historical buildings;
- Removal of elements that cover architecturally significant areas; and
- Repair or replacement of exterior doors, windows and trim work (in public view) which are necessary for aesthetic purposes.
- No more than 25% of the total cost of improvements can be related to the exterior painting of the building.
Ineligible Activities:
- New construction;
- Interior improvements;
- Routine maintenance;
- Parking lot improvements; and
- Landscaping
Application for Funding: Applications for Downtown Building Façade Improvement Grants will be available from Downtown Odessa, Inc. Applications shall first be presented to the Downtown Design Review Board to determine if the project meets the program criteria and design guidelines. Once approved by the Review Board, successful applications shall be presented to the ODC Board of Directors for approval. Applications approved by the ODC Board shall be presented to the City Council for final approval. All grant funds are available on a cost reimbursement basis only. No funds will be paid "up front" or advanced prior to the completed construction.
Guidelines: The following guidelines are applicable to the Downtown Building Façade Improvement Program:
- Improvements shall be made in conformance with all applicable building codes, laws and zoning requirements. Further, façade improvements for buildings which are located on properties with outstanding property taxes or City-related liens are not eligible for incentive funding.
- All grant recipient improvements must be in compliance with the design standards set forth in the Downtown Master Plan for the overlay zone.
- No more than 25% of the total cost of improvements can be related to the exterior painting of the building.
- Churches and non-profit organizations are not eligible.
- Grant funds are subject to Section 504.105 Texas Local Government Code that limits annual spending for promotional purposes to 10% of the ODC revenues.
- Grant funds are limited to those uses that have the purpose of developing new and/or expanded business enterprises and not for other uses such as housing.
- Regardless of whether the Applicant is the owner of the property or the lessee, the building owner must maintain ownership throughout the application and construction phases and the property shall not be listed for sale or the property shall be deemed ineligible and any grant agreements shall be cancelled.
- Applicant, whether lessee or owner, that is intending to make use of the entire building or structure shall be limited to one Downtown Building Façade Improvement application for all eligible façade improvements on that building or structure.
I, the undersigned applicant, acknowledge that I am applying for a grant through Downtown Odessa, Inc., and that this application is only the first step of this process.
I understand and acknowledge that once my application is complete, it must be approved by the Downtown Design Review Board, by the Board of Directors of the Odessa Development Corporation, and then by the City Council of the City of Odessa.
I understand and acknowledge that not all qualifying projects receive funding and that even if my project meets all the design qualifications, it may not be approved.
I understand and acknowledge that any work I have completed or funds I have expended prior to the date of final approval of my application by the Odessa City Council is not eligible for reimbursement or inclusion under this program.
I understand and acknowledge that the available funds under this program are limited and not all projects will be funded.
I further understand and acknowledge that my participation in this program is voluntary and I waive any and all liability or claims I may have or may arise in association with my participation in this program on the part of Downtown Odessa, Inc., the Odessa Development Corporation, and the City of Odessa.
Please sign and date below to agree that you have read and understand the above information.