AOAC SPADA is the AOAC Stakeholder Program on Agent Detection Assays (SPADA) which is celebrating 16 years of developing and advancing analytical capability for detection of biothreat agents.
The AOAC Stakeholder Program on Agent Detection Assays (SPADA), a funded integrated science program, launched new work in SMPRs for amplicon sequencing in developing SMPRs and guidelines for amplicon sequencing methods. While finalizing the SMPR for amplicon sequncing methods, SPADA is now gearing up to initiate the effort on metagenomic sequencing.
If you are interested in participating and being a member of this working group, please complete this application. You may also complete this application if you are interested in being included on the SPADA mailing list.
If you sign up for the working group, you will be required to provide a statement of expertise and an abridged CV or resume.
For more information on this work, please contact Deborah McKenzie at dmckenzie@aoac.org.