Name 姓名
Email 電郵地址
Male 男
Female 女
What is your age group? 年齡組別
Other Family Members 有沒有同行家人?
If you have children, what are their ages? 如果有同行子女,可否提供歲數?
Are you living in the UK? 你是否已經在英國?
If so- how long have you been the UK? 如果已到,來了多久?
If not- when are you planning to come? 如果未到,打算什麼時候來英國?
English Skill 英語能力
None 無
Basic 基本
Good 不錯
Excellent 極好
To help us design the most suitable course for you, please tell us the top three topics you want to learn/ discuss in these classes? 為更有效地設計教學課程,請列出三個你最有興趣的題材。
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