Meridian - Part time prek payment agreement
Part time preschool invoices for tuition will be emailed each month and due on the 1st, there is a 5-day grace period; if tuition has not been paid by the 5th a late charge of $15 will be added.
Payment can be made online, by cash or check. If a personal check is returned a $25 charge will be added to the account.
If tuition is more than one payment behind your class may be suspended until payment is made. Leap Ahead reserves the right to fill your child’s spot if your payment is not paid.
Leap Ahead Preschool follows the West Ada School District Calendar, other than we start the first week in September and end the last week in May. We have the school breaks off like Inservice, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring break. Tuition is the same each month. To view the calendar go to: domain/11398
Discounts are not available when a child is absent for vacation or illness, your tuition is to hold their spot in class.
15 day notice is required to withdraw your student from Leap Ahead Preschool. This gives us a chance to find another student to fill your child’s spot. If you stop attending without a 15 day notice you will continue to be charged another 15 days.
In the event you are late to pick up your child a charge of $.50 per minute will be added to your account, this is needed to pay the staff overtime to care for your child. When children are dropped off early or picked up late it cuts into teacher prep and cleaning time and results in teachers having to work overtime.
Your annual $95 registration fee saves your child’s spot in class and is nonrefundable.